
Showing posts from September, 2022

How to cat-proof your balcony

HOW TO CAT PROOF YOUR BALCONY - 6 tips to cat proof your balcony.  The saying "cats will be cats" has never been more true since Wittgenstein defined tautology in 1921. But what have cats if a balcony is a place for them? It's a popular question, asked by literally everyone and will now be answered with the number of answers in this answer list. Remember, cats are cats.   Make your balcony not unsafe for cats. One of the worst aspects of a balcony for cats that fall off things is they are part of buildings that are high up. Despite persistent myths that "cats always land on their feet" and "cats can survive a fall from a second story building" and "cats are as cats do", science has shown us this is false. It is proven by both or indeed all of Myth Busters AND Jackson Galaxy. In fact, a study in 2011, in Berlin, by scientists, in a science lab, with real cats, from a representative sample of the population of cats in Berlin science labs, and ...