

People often ask me "how do you do it?"  I say "I don't. I just don't do it."  But that's how you do it.  Are you stuck in failure? Struggling to revolutionize your time?  I used to spend all my time on effort, trying every day to learn new skills, put time into skilling up and making an effort to succeed.  It was exhausting.  I thought all I needed was to revolutionize my time. "If only my time would change" I thought. Then, it would revolutionize. Then,  I would have made effort, have all the skills, the money, the women, the facebook ad revenue, the turtle-park-bungalow of my dreams.  And then I just stopped. I stopped dead in my tracks.  And that's when it changed. My time changed.  I didn't revolutionize my time.  I re-revolutionized my time.  In just one hour, I started a new business "how not to do things, but faster" and by the early afternoon, I had over 11 hundred dollars of business capital in investments. By the ev...

6 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With The Backs of Spoons

It drives you absolutely mad doesn't it? Why does every spoon, whether it's a teaspoon or a soup ladle, come with that round part that sits underneath the spoon part?   You will be surprised to hear that it's no accident that spoons have a back to them, and far from being the useless, disappointment that it might appear to be, the backs of spoons actually have many uses. Want to get the most out of your spoons? Of course you don't! 1. Squashing things Probably the last thing on your mind when you are wielding a spoon in the vicinity your latest meal food, after remembering your washing is on the line, is the question: "how am I going to squash things?" Nobody brings a rolling pin, garlic crusher or mallet to the dinner table, at least not in the last couple of centuries. At least, not in western cultures. Not in this economy. And yet, the painful reality of many foods is that a light squash would do it, and you, the world of good (in all the possible universes...

How to Write More Easily: 7 Tips on How To Write More, Easily.

1 in 10 children in the United States become non-readers after they forget how to write. Some never forget how to write at all, preferring not to learn in the first place.  Scientists studying the phenomenon, and it IS a phenomenon (you can't take that away from them) have pointed their fingers collectively at early cognitive behavioural issues that stem from basically when a child can't read.  But what I'm here to tell you is if you can THINK, then you can WRITE. Because, unbeknownst to many editors, bloggers, celebrities, journalists and especially politicians, writing IS thinking.  Think about it. When you think a word, you are writing the word in your brain. But where does it go? Unlike on the printed page, words written in our minds are never published anywhere. So if you don't write down your thoughts, how do you know you are even thinking? This is why the world's foremost intellectuals, from Foucault to BeyoncĂ©, all write down their thoughts the instant they ...

How to cat-proof your balcony

HOW TO CAT PROOF YOUR BALCONY - 6 tips to cat proof your balcony.  The saying "cats will be cats" has never been more true since Wittgenstein defined tautology in 1921. But what have cats if a balcony is a place for them? It's a popular question, asked by literally everyone and will now be answered with the number of answers in this answer list. Remember, cats are cats.   Make your balcony not unsafe for cats. One of the worst aspects of a balcony for cats that fall off things is they are part of buildings that are high up. Despite persistent myths that "cats always land on their feet" and "cats can survive a fall from a second story building" and "cats are as cats do", science has shown us this is false. It is proven by both or indeed all of Myth Busters AND Jackson Galaxy. In fact, a study in 2011, in Berlin, by scientists, in a science lab, with real cats, from a representative sample of the population of cats in Berlin science labs, and ...